Continuous Delusions

The hard truth about deployment

Avishai Ish-Shalom (@nukemberg)

Everybody is talking about (Continuous) Deployment

Deployment is painfull and slow

And we need to move faster

Automated testing, CI, CM, Deployment tools

Let's build a CI/CD pipeline

Slowly, things begin to improve

And results start to show

Then disaster strikes

How did we get here?

Incompatible organizational structure

(Conway's Law)

Deployment latency << ticket round-trip


Careless automation

Wrong goals

We want to deploy 10 times a day

Be able to deploy whenever we need to

The delusion

Deployment is hard, CD makes it easier

Fragile system

Inflexible architecture

Mentality and Culture

Back to the basics

  • Small increments are safer
  • Fast feedback loops
  • Less inventory
  • Operational Flexibility


  • Monitoring
  • Analytics, metrics
  • Hands-on

Concurrent deploys

Cross company effects

Bottom line

C.D. is about Control

  • Orchestration
  • Monitoring/Telemetry
  • Understanding system behaviour

C.D. is about Architecture

C.D. is about Culture

Thank you

If you try to reduce costs, costs will go up. If you improve quality, costs will go down